

today a friend called to urgently tell me my feelings are not my own because ‘literally everything is in retrograde….’

what a wonderful thing to get a phone call about!

today as i read about the propagation of correlations across scales in protein sequences, i dare to ask why not also at the human-planetary scale? certainly unfalsifiable at best, but feels “useful” (i.e. feels good 😎) to let go of responsibility for the uneasiness i was feeling in my gut all day.

isn’t that what retrograde motion’s about anyway? a shift in perspective? apparently if you were standing on certain points on the planet mercury at perihelion (closest approach to the sun) perspective would show the sun starting to rise, only to recede again. hey, at least we don’t get solar retrograde out on this rock.

anyway stay strapped out there for the time being, mercury retrograde conspicuously ends election day lol. hopefully the baby witches don’t try to hex the moon again in the meantime.

Written on October 26, 2020